On Opera and Things Unsaid:
Today we were shown clips from operas and interpretations of operas in class. I know that Madame Butterfly was supposed to be the one we wrote about but it did not hit me near as hard as Aria Liebestod by Franc Roddam, so it gets my attention first. The story was of a young couple and it lures you in with a beautiful love scene then breaks your heart with a double suicide. It's so lovely, I shared it on my facebook for my friends not in this class. The opera music did add to the film but I think any genre, any decent song would have complemented the film.
Madame butterfly was gorgeous in a way beyond where my heart is. In other words, while I understood the importance of the story, it did not reach me where i'm at in life right now.My grandmother loves Geisha stories and world war romances but the old values and roles,... i don't know i just can't get in to them and cry as easily as i could with the first clip.
The mozart movie deffinately looked worth checking out, I love that we live off clips in this class because movies are some of my bestfriends. Really. I sat in my car outside the blockbuster in my hometown and cried for an hour this summer when it finally closed. Movies express things so beautifully that can't always be said. One day I will make a list post on this blog of all the great movies you should get into, but for now you guys are going to have to just wait for the here-and-there trailers I link when I feel like they should be mentioned.